Friday, September 25, 2009

Temporary hiatus

First Bob was sick, then Keira, and now me. I think I've been hit the least hard out of the three of us, but it's still enough to make me vaguely miserable. Plus I think Keira must have four teeth coming in at the same time or something because the poor child is not only completely stuffed up and coughing all night, but she wakes up every three hours or so to scream and chew with her pacifier sideways in her mouth. Poor little baby. Anyway, as a result, I am completely sleep-deprived and only half able to breathe, and therefore put my training on hiatus.

Which wouldn't be so bad if at the same time I didn't feel inclined to cook my blues away. Yesterday I made a pear tatin with almond pastry. Granted it was 1/3 the size of a normal tart, but still, we ate it all. And by "we", let's be honest, it was probably mostly me.

On top of that, since I've been home with Keira for the past few days, I've been dreadful about remembering to take my medicine. Medicine is crucial for me to maintain an even keel. If I forget it for too many days in a row, I start getting weird zaps of electricity in the front of my brain and EVERYTHING annoys me. It also makes me less inclined to do anything useful, like exercise.

So with all of that negativity now out, when Keira woke up at 5 this morning I decided to feed her and then try yoga. Running was a little too ambitious -- my throat has been killing me -- but I thought maybe I could hack it through a yoga workout.

"Hack it" being the operative words.

It was pretty much a disaster. But I struggled through it. So technically speaking I've done my exercise for today. I'm going to keep downing quarts of water and hope that I can get back to running soon!

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