Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 1

Exercise: Treadmill
Ice cream: Not yet
Food diary: Started

I am 28 years, 1 month, and 29 days old.

I could barely walk back from Starbucks the other day! I got smoked by a man who, as far as I can tell, lives on Red Bull, triple red eyes, and cheese steaks. It was not good.

I need to preface this post by saying that I do recognize I am smaller than most of the American public and I am not trying to blog my way into becoming anorexic. I fit back into all of my pre-pregnancy clothes. (Well, most of them....) Genetics, thus far, have treated me well.

But it occured to me last night when Bob came home and asked if there was any ice cream left -- and there had been three tubs when he left on Tuesday -- AND he wasn't even joking -- that perhaps I had a teeny little problem. Then there was that matter of making brownies every week this summer for MR only to discover that he ate two and I ate the rest of the tray. And that all of the cookies mysteriously disappeared each week before he or Bob could get to them.

So yes, after several years of denial, I have accepted it: I am addicted to junk food. In the words of Alcoholics Anonymous, I am powerless and my life has become unmanageable.

No more! This life will be re-managed, with or without ice cream. For years I have exercised for a few months and then quit. Or dieted and then quit. I've bought and given away more clothes in more sizes than I care to remember. (Because if I did, I might cry. My clothing budget has seriously contracted since little Kikimonster came along.) I have been able to exercise serious personal discipline in every area of my life except for the one most critical to remaining alive. Honestly. It's ridiculous.

So I have turned to blogging in an effort to hold myself publicly accountable. I am going to use this blog as my daily diary on my attempt to get healthy. If you have words of advice, or you need to act out your aggression and want to virtually kick my flabby bumbum, go for it. I can take it. Bring it. Help a girl out here.

Just do me a favor and don't send me any virtual ice cream cones. I haven't figured out how to lock the freezer yet....

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