Monday, September 14, 2009

Socialista and Diet Coke...

Exercise: Treadmill, again
Ice cream: None in three days!
Food diary: Not a fan

So, since my last post I went to a potluck barbeque AND a football party (yay for Hunter Smith!). The diet perils of social gatherings are well-known and I am not going to catalogue them here. I think I mostly stayed on the wagon -- I *did* eat two hamburgers at the barbeque, but I only ate a teeny portion of the "Better Than Sex Cake" and no brownies or cupcakes at all. I stayed away from the food table all night! However, I was greatly abetted in my endeavor by watching the hostess who has had two kids but manages to weigh less than my 12-year-old cousin. *She* did not eat a single thing all night. Not sure how I will hold up around true foodivores.

The food diary aspect of this is not so much fun. I'm using, which produces fantastic charts and graphs for you. Only did I really want to know how much saturated fat is in 12 Oreos? (No.) The only redeeming feature is that it also has an exercise log and it counts shopping as a calorie-reducing activity. Just to prove to you all that I am taking this very seriously I went to Target on Saturday morning and engaged in some serious shopping and logged it very carefully. (BTW -- Anna Sui GG collection?! OMG!! True.Love.)

Then, in homage to my beloved cuz NY, who has now left me high-and-dry without a gym partner, I got up at 5:30 this morning to hit the treadmill. And when I finished 20 minutes later, I thought, "I still have some time and I feel okay," so I got back on. I know, I almost didn't believe it myself. I was in the best shape of my life when NY and I went to the gym every morning. I really miss those mornings -- she was an awesome trainer! Now, if I can just have some videotapes of NY pushing me on I might be able to get back into that kind of shape. (Which would necessitate buying some new clothes.... Nothing like some good motivation :)

And finally, my new resolution. Which even my ubersupportive husband does not believe (reverse psychology, maybe?):

I am giving up Diet Coke. I had a discussion with JH about this a few weeks ago when he said he was giving up Diet Coke. I was like -- look, we've given up alcohol, don't take drugs, don't smoke -- can't we just have one teeny little vice? Does Diet Coke really harm that much? But sometime in the last two weeks my skin turned from nice adult skin to prepubescent teenage boy acne skin. Which somehow seemed to have coincided with a nice upswing in my Diet Coke to water ratio. So I am kicking the Diet Coke and hopefully I will be able to show my face to the world again soon.

But have you ever noticed how water is so... tasteless? Ugh.


  1. NY here. Kudos to you for publically calling yourself a fattie and trying to get in shape. For the record you are not a fattie. Just a sugar junkie. I swear I caught you once melting sugar in a piece of foil with one of those long yuppie candle lighters. I digress.... I would gladly help you in any way to get in shape. We can design a work out routine using handweights or bands or even your body's own weight. Maybe toss in some power yoga moves?? Just say the word.

    And if you don't like the taste of water, try slicing some limes, lemons, and oranges and toss them in a big pitcher of water. They give it just a nice flavor. Some people like cucumbers too.

  2. I like cucumbers in my gin & tonics. Does that count? :D

  3. I like vodka in my gin and tonics. LOL you can be creative!
