Friday, September 25, 2009

Temporary hiatus

First Bob was sick, then Keira, and now me. I think I've been hit the least hard out of the three of us, but it's still enough to make me vaguely miserable. Plus I think Keira must have four teeth coming in at the same time or something because the poor child is not only completely stuffed up and coughing all night, but she wakes up every three hours or so to scream and chew with her pacifier sideways in her mouth. Poor little baby. Anyway, as a result, I am completely sleep-deprived and only half able to breathe, and therefore put my training on hiatus.

Which wouldn't be so bad if at the same time I didn't feel inclined to cook my blues away. Yesterday I made a pear tatin with almond pastry. Granted it was 1/3 the size of a normal tart, but still, we ate it all. And by "we", let's be honest, it was probably mostly me.

On top of that, since I've been home with Keira for the past few days, I've been dreadful about remembering to take my medicine. Medicine is crucial for me to maintain an even keel. If I forget it for too many days in a row, I start getting weird zaps of electricity in the front of my brain and EVERYTHING annoys me. It also makes me less inclined to do anything useful, like exercise.

So with all of that negativity now out, when Keira woke up at 5 this morning I decided to feed her and then try yoga. Running was a little too ambitious -- my throat has been killing me -- but I thought maybe I could hack it through a yoga workout.

"Hack it" being the operative words.

It was pretty much a disaster. But I struggled through it. So technically speaking I've done my exercise for today. I'm going to keep downing quarts of water and hope that I can get back to running soon!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Success? Maybe.

Exercise: Pilates
Pounds lost: -2... a gain? What?
Working on it

Well, I stepped on the scales this morning only to discover that I have put on two pounds! I am hoping it is part of that "muscle weighs more than fat" scam. I'm not terribly bothered by how much I weigh -- seriously, I'm not -- but I thought I could use it as a useful proxy of my progress. Now that I have gained weight, in the spirit of Duckie (i.e. Jon Cryer) in last night's Emmy's, I am now convinced that weight is completely irrelevant to my quest to become more healthy. :D

The sign of TRUE progress is that the band of flesh around my waist, which I had previously written off as Keira-induced excess skin and most definitely not fat, seems to be disappearing. Whereas before there was an actual roll in a seated position, now there is just a little bulge, but no official roll. (This is very technical, you see?)

As I am not aware of any nighttime subconscious tummy tuck surgery, the only conclusion I can draw is that it actually was fat. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean, it's disappearing, so I must be doing something right. On the other hand, I've been operating under a delusion for the last 8 months that I was dealing with something completely irreparable so it wasn't my fault: if she stretched all my skin out, what could I do? I guess I take progress over self-delusion, but it doesn't feel quite like a happy triumph!

Anyway, in other news, I ran my first mile, non-stop, and on an incline, yesterday afternoon. Then I topped it off with another mile of rapid walk hill-climbing. (At the speeds I run, walking actually burns more calories because you don't have the momentum of running to assist you. I know, it is sad. But true.) Tomorrow I get to repeat it. For those of you interested in similarly stupidly trying to get ready for a 10-K in 4 weeks, here's the training program I'm following from Plucky's fitness blog:

I'm hoping my legs decide to come back before tomorrow. I don't know if it was the running yesterday or the butt-buster pilates segment this morning, but my hip flexors aren't quite sure what hit them. I would also like the use of my shoulders and upper arms back, as drying my hair this morning was quite the adventure. If anyone has any ideas on how to stretch 'em, please, PLEASE let me know. My poor hair could use the help. Plucky wasn't lying when he said from 0 to 10-K in 4 weeks would be "ouch potato"!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Triumphant AND Inspired!

Exercise: MTV yoga, a walk through Great Falls park, and a quick jaunt with Bailey
Ice cream: Regular size chocolate chip cookie dough at Ben & Jerry's
Water: With lime

Hmm. So I wrote yesterday about how I was tired and I needed my mojo back. Somebody heard my plea and decided to help me out! After getting up at 5 to feed la bebe and crashing back to my room, I couldn't sleep so I got up at 8:30 and started Sun Salutations with Lori Trespicio (from the Real World NY). About 6 Chaturangas in my body started remembering and by final relaxation I was happy to say "namaste". My inner yogi is coming back!

So then I went and cooked a giant batch of waffles, but hey -- at least I ate them without any syrup, AND I made some eggs to go with them for that protein punch I need in the morning. I think my newfound exercisational spirit is also rubbing off on other members of the household, as shortly thereafter Bob went for a run around the neighborhood and came back nice and happy. We packed up the Keirabug and went to Great Falls park for the afternoon, where I pushed a 20lb monkey over rocks and gravel while two guys kayaked over the same rock spur over and over.

I did feel a little entitled to some ice cream after all that exercise.... I know, I know. But I did make the best healthy lunch EVER: Whole wheat couscous with edamame and sliced almonds. So I figure it all balances out.

And in the final sign that I am on the right track, my lovely friend ED e-mailed me today to ask if I wanted her spot in the Marine Corps 10K! She's decided not to run it this year so she kindly offered it up to me (with some wise notes of encouragement about the uniformed, um, "cheering section" :) So now I have a goal!!

I've never run 10K in my life. I've run an 8K... and I've read a lot of 10-Ks... so I think I have my work cut out for me. I think I have a month to prepare. I'm guessing I won't be able to run the whole thing, but that's okay. The only place prettier than downtown in the fall is Charlottesville in the spring, so maybe I can use this as a training run for the C'ville 10-miler in 2010 :)

Things are looking up!

Friday, September 18, 2009


Exercise: Treadmill today, pilates yesterday
Diet Cokes: One; everything in moderation, right?
Mood: Sleepy

This getting up at 5 thing has me a little tired. For some reason Keira's decided that's her new favorite time to eat, so I get up at 5 and feed her and then go downstairs to exercise. MTV pilates kicked my butt yesterday and I feel I must apologize to the lovely Bonnie, my pilates teacher of days gone by, for my crappypoor performance. I couldn't do a single roll-up! Sadness. And the worst of it is that Keira has a cold, which has made its way to me (could be when she decided to eat my nose earlier and then sneezed on me...strange what you let the people you love do to you), so now every time I cough my abs seize up like I've brutally offended them. Sigh.

I went back to bed at 6:30 this morning, as, thankfully, I work from home on Fridays and my first call wasn't until 8:30. I need to find a way to get my mojo back. Caffeine is still out and I'm trying not to rely on sugar as a crutch, so I need some ideas. I've been going to bed at 10 each night, but I'm still pooped. I thought exercise was supposed to make you LESS tired?

Although, I did lose the sugar battle a bit last night so maybe this is my punishment. We had two sad brown little bananas on the counter so I decided to make banoffee pie. (For those of you non-Anglophiles, that's banana/toffee pie.) There's nothing redeeming about it other than the banana -- sweetened condensed milk cooked down into a caramel, graham cracker crust, and homemade whipped cream. Don't get me wrong -- it tasted lovely and goopy -- but even my stupid food diary pointed out that I needed to cut back on the sugar. Guess that's why I pay it $9/month. I should just send the cash directly to NY, who's already told me that.

Anyway, I'm going to finish my Diet Coke (caffeine-free...sigh...) and read some Russian literature and wait for Trinny and Susannah to come on. And think about how a little MTV yoga is going to kick my butt tomorrow morning.... In the meantime, I sincerely hope you all are having a more exciting Friday night than I am!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Power of Protein

Diet Cokes: None, with difficulty
Exercise: Not yet -- hoping to rock out to MTV Pilates tonight
Ice cream: I wish.

So after my half hour workout yesterday morning I was hungrier than usual. I plowed through my Barbara's Shredded Spoonfuls or whatever they are and restrained myself from eating any of Keira's mangoes and pears. I got in the car and it being a day ending in, well, "day", there was considerable traffic on the Toll Road, so I got ready for the long haul and dug in to my giant workbag for my lunch.

Diapers? Check. Old receipts? Check. Lunch? Dagger! No lunch! Apparently I left my lunch on the counter in my mad rush to get in the car.

So after spending an hour chillin with everyone else in the free world on their way to Tysons I was starving. I decided to stop at the charming 1600 Cafe. I looked past the lovely rows of fatty glorious muffins, syrupy French toast and mini cereal boxes and became very sad. In the end I went with a western omelette -- 2 eggs, ham, onions and green peppers, no cheese. It came with whole wheat toast, too.

Well, I am now a believer in the power of the edible, incredible egg. I scarfed that thing down at 8:30 and let me tell you, I didn't even REACH for a cookie, let alone anything else, until well past 2pm. Now, I don't condone long intervals between food like that -- I'm a strong believer in the grazing method of eating -- but I wasn't even hungry! That is UNHEARD of.

Maybe NY is onto something. I ate eggs again this morning. I still ate my lunch by 9, but I managed to make it until 1:30 before being desperate for something again. And then I went out and got some hummus and it's 3:30 and I'm still full. Who knew? Protein packs a punch!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I need a goal....

Exercise: Treadmill, yet again
Ice cream: Turkey Hill Moose Tracks Light, 1/2 cup
Food diary: I got all smiley faces yesterday

Okay, first of all, what is the use of 1/2 a cup of ice cream? That's less than what I would feed to Keira. Honestly I only ate it because informed me that I was 151 calories under budget and the serving size of ice cream was 140 calories. And I really couldn't find anything else in the house (that I wanted to eat). Anyway, that 1/2 cup was just enough to make me hungry, so I dug out another mini peanut butter cup out of the carton and called that the extra 11 calories. But I digress --

I need a goal. (Obviously I have lots of goals. E.g.: (1) Raise Keira to be happy and healthy; (2) Acquire the rest of the Anna Sui "Gossip Girl" collection; (3) Try to keep my hair color consistent long enough so that my child doesn't do a double-take when she sees me.) But I need an idea of what I'm working towards with this whole fitness thing. I'm not trying to lose a certain amount of weight, I'm not trying to fit into any kind of faboo dress, and "trying to get healthy" isn't really doing it for me as far as true motivation. Ditching the cellulite that is creeping down my thighs could work but it's not bikini season any more, so who really cares? Besides, I'm never wearing a bikini ever again, but that's another story.

So give me a goal. Should I try to run another race? Should I try something new like a sprint triathlon? I don't know what to do with myself.

And along those lines, what *should* I do with myself? The treadmill, notwithstanding its various programs and options, is getting a little dull. I'm okay with doing it every other morning for the cardio and butt benefits, but I'd like to do something else on the other days. (Plus I hate having to wash and dry my hair every morning, which, after half an hour on the treadmill is inevitable.) What can I do in my house? I have an exercise ball, a yoga mat, some MTV workout videos and Bob's adjustable dumbbell thing.

Who knew that exercise required so much thinking? I don't have time for this!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Snackwells = Sneaky

My tin foil and long yuppie candle lighter being safely ensconced at home and out of the prying eyes of my coworkers, I was forced to go to the vending machine this afternoon for a little pick-me-up. I'd already worked through a bag of grapes, baby carrots, PB on whole wheat, and a fruit and nut granola bar (plus BUCKETS of water). Honestly I wanted the Peanut M&Ms that were still hanging from the hook, where I left them when they refused to come out last Thursday after I conceded the two dollars I spent trying to buy them. But, taking the high road (and being short on quarters and not willing to risk any further M&M disasters), I elected to go for the Snackwells Mini Creme Cookies. Snackwells is known for being the healthy option, right?

WRONG, my friends. Those sneaks loaded up that tiny little bag with 240 calories, 6 grams of fat, and 20 -- count 'em, 20!! -- grams of sugar. And what was I supposed to do? I was starving and out of quarters at that point. So I ate them. All of them. And they weren't even that good! Plus, all the little sandwich cookies were facing the wrong way out, which offends my sense of culinary aesthetics and manufacturing discipline. Snackwells, I object.

Anyway, NY -- I'll take your point on the lemons and cucumbers, but I raise you a "how on earth do I pack enough food to last me through the day?" Otherwise I might be trying my third dollar on that packet of M&Ms tomorrow....

Socialista and Diet Coke...

Exercise: Treadmill, again
Ice cream: None in three days!
Food diary: Not a fan

So, since my last post I went to a potluck barbeque AND a football party (yay for Hunter Smith!). The diet perils of social gatherings are well-known and I am not going to catalogue them here. I think I mostly stayed on the wagon -- I *did* eat two hamburgers at the barbeque, but I only ate a teeny portion of the "Better Than Sex Cake" and no brownies or cupcakes at all. I stayed away from the food table all night! However, I was greatly abetted in my endeavor by watching the hostess who has had two kids but manages to weigh less than my 12-year-old cousin. *She* did not eat a single thing all night. Not sure how I will hold up around true foodivores.

The food diary aspect of this is not so much fun. I'm using, which produces fantastic charts and graphs for you. Only did I really want to know how much saturated fat is in 12 Oreos? (No.) The only redeeming feature is that it also has an exercise log and it counts shopping as a calorie-reducing activity. Just to prove to you all that I am taking this very seriously I went to Target on Saturday morning and engaged in some serious shopping and logged it very carefully. (BTW -- Anna Sui GG collection?! OMG!! True.Love.)

Then, in homage to my beloved cuz NY, who has now left me high-and-dry without a gym partner, I got up at 5:30 this morning to hit the treadmill. And when I finished 20 minutes later, I thought, "I still have some time and I feel okay," so I got back on. I know, I almost didn't believe it myself. I was in the best shape of my life when NY and I went to the gym every morning. I really miss those mornings -- she was an awesome trainer! Now, if I can just have some videotapes of NY pushing me on I might be able to get back into that kind of shape. (Which would necessitate buying some new clothes.... Nothing like some good motivation :)

And finally, my new resolution. Which even my ubersupportive husband does not believe (reverse psychology, maybe?):

I am giving up Diet Coke. I had a discussion with JH about this a few weeks ago when he said he was giving up Diet Coke. I was like -- look, we've given up alcohol, don't take drugs, don't smoke -- can't we just have one teeny little vice? Does Diet Coke really harm that much? But sometime in the last two weeks my skin turned from nice adult skin to prepubescent teenage boy acne skin. Which somehow seemed to have coincided with a nice upswing in my Diet Coke to water ratio. So I am kicking the Diet Coke and hopefully I will be able to show my face to the world again soon.

But have you ever noticed how water is so... tasteless? Ugh.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 1

Exercise: Treadmill
Ice cream: Not yet
Food diary: Started

I am 28 years, 1 month, and 29 days old.

I could barely walk back from Starbucks the other day! I got smoked by a man who, as far as I can tell, lives on Red Bull, triple red eyes, and cheese steaks. It was not good.

I need to preface this post by saying that I do recognize I am smaller than most of the American public and I am not trying to blog my way into becoming anorexic. I fit back into all of my pre-pregnancy clothes. (Well, most of them....) Genetics, thus far, have treated me well.

But it occured to me last night when Bob came home and asked if there was any ice cream left -- and there had been three tubs when he left on Tuesday -- AND he wasn't even joking -- that perhaps I had a teeny little problem. Then there was that matter of making brownies every week this summer for MR only to discover that he ate two and I ate the rest of the tray. And that all of the cookies mysteriously disappeared each week before he or Bob could get to them.

So yes, after several years of denial, I have accepted it: I am addicted to junk food. In the words of Alcoholics Anonymous, I am powerless and my life has become unmanageable.

No more! This life will be re-managed, with or without ice cream. For years I have exercised for a few months and then quit. Or dieted and then quit. I've bought and given away more clothes in more sizes than I care to remember. (Because if I did, I might cry. My clothing budget has seriously contracted since little Kikimonster came along.) I have been able to exercise serious personal discipline in every area of my life except for the one most critical to remaining alive. Honestly. It's ridiculous.

So I have turned to blogging in an effort to hold myself publicly accountable. I am going to use this blog as my daily diary on my attempt to get healthy. If you have words of advice, or you need to act out your aggression and want to virtually kick my flabby bumbum, go for it. I can take it. Bring it. Help a girl out here.

Just do me a favor and don't send me any virtual ice cream cones. I haven't figured out how to lock the freezer yet....